PowerShell script for Fixing URLs in Content Editor WebPart - SharePoint 2010 & 2013

Hi All,

Today i have faced one issue with my client


Change the url in content editor WebPart in all the pages those having static content.  In my case i was having 600 pages :-

Example : change the "http://www.google.com" to "http://www.company.com"

Please find the below script to achieve the above

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


#Get all Webs
#$webs = Get-SPWebApplication "http://sharepoint2010:2015/" | Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All
$webs = Get-SPSite "http://sharepoint2010:2015/" | Get-SPWeb -Limit All

#Iterate through webs
foreach ($web in $webs)
#Get All Pages from site's Root into $AllPages Array
$AllPages = @($web.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ".aspx"})

#Search All Folders for Pages
foreach ($folder in $web.Folders)
        if($folder.Name -eq "Pages")
            #Write-Host "Folder Name $($folder.Name)"
            #Add the pages to $AllPages Array
            $AllPages += @($folder.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ".aspx"})
#Iterate through all pages
foreach($Page in $AllPages)
              #Write-Host "File Status $($Page.CheckOutStatus)"
              #Write-Host "File URL $($Page.ServerRelativeUrl)"
              if($Page.CheckOutStatus -ne "None" )

     #Web Part Manager to get all web parts from the file
     $WebPartManager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager( $Page.ServerRelativeUrl,  [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)

     #Iterate through each web part
     foreach($webPart in $WebPartManager.WebParts)
        # Get All Content Editor web parts with specific Old Link
        if( ($webPart.Content.InnerText -like '*'+$OldLink+'*' ) -and ($webPart.GetType() -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ContentEditorWebPart]) )
              #Get the Old content from CEWPs
              $OldContent =  $webPart.Content
              $OldContentXml = $OldContent.InnerText

              #Replace the Old Links
              $XmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
              $NewContentXml= $XmlDoc.CreateElement("content")
              $NewContentXml.InnerText= $OldContentXml.Replace($OldLink, $NewLink)
              #Set content and Save
              $webpart.Content = $NewContentXml
              #write-host $webpart.Title + " : " + $webpart.ID    

              Write-Host "Replaced a link in $($Page.ServerRelativeUrl)"


     #Write-Host "File Status Ok $($Page.CheckOutStatus)"
     #Write-Host "Page URL $($Page.ServerRelativeUrl)"

     if($Page.CheckOutStatus -ne "None" -and $Page.ServerRelativeUrl -ne "/default.aspx" -and $Page.ServerRelativeUrl -ne "$($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/default.aspx")
      $Page.CheckIn("Automatic CheckIn. (Administrator)")
      $Page.Publish("Automatically published by Powershell")
      #$Page.Approve("Automatically Approeved by Powershell") #Uncomment this line when run this script for Publishing Portal(Type) site collection
       Write-Host "Page URL $($Page.ServerRelativeUrl)"

Hope this will helps you - Reach me if any queries


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