
Showing posts from February, 2016

Insert 1 Millon Items in SP List using PowerShell

// Site URL $siteurl = "Your Site URL" // Assign Value $mysite=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteurl) $spWeb = $mysite.OpenWeb() $spList = $ spWeb.Lists [“TestList”] // Insert 1 million items $i = 1001 do { Write-Host “Item – “$i          $spitem = $ spList.Items.Add ()          $spitem[“Title”] = $i.tostring()          $spitem.Update()          $i++ } while ($i -le 1000000)

Unable to STOP microsoft sharepoint foundation web application service

Run the below command in PowerShell stsadm - o provisionservice - action start - servicetype spwebservice it will restart the service. More info  Hope this will helps you...

"Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you." - SharePoint 2013

OK, How to solve this error?  Login to the site collection with either site collection administrator or Farm Admin (granted with "Full control" Web Application user policy!), grant appropriate access to the user in question by going to Site Settings >> People and Groups. Once you do this, users prompted for credentials instead of the Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you error. Still getting same "Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you."? Might be because of cached credentials from a prior browser session. Try clearing IE cache: Open a new browser window >> Go to Internet options >> In the general tab, click the Delete button >> Make sure that passwords and temporary Internet files are selected. Try different browser such as Firefox! If you didn't run product and configuration wizard after installation/patch, you may get this error even if you are a site collection administrator. Run it once and get rid of this is