
Showing posts from December, 2017

SharePoint: Using PreSaveAction Function on custom list forms 

Show calendar events in modal dialog in SharePoint 2013

Add the below code in the calendar view page using designer or add using script editor / content editor in the page where calendar view inserted < script src ="" type ="text/javascript"></ script > < script type ="text/javascript">     $(document).ready( function () {         setInterval( function () {             $( "a[href*='DispForm.aspx']" ).each( function () {                 $( this ).attr( "onclick" , "openDialog('" + $( this ).text() + "','" + $( this ).attr( "href" ) + "')" );                 $( this ).attr( "href" , "javascript:void(0)" );                 $( this )....

Set sender name using SPUtility.SendEmail

SPWeb oWeb = SPContext .Current.Web; StringDictionary headers = new StringDictionary (); string strFromEmailID = "Name to display <" + fromEmailAddress + ">" ; headers.Add( "from" , strFromEmailID); headers.Add( "to" , toEmail); headers.Add( "subject" , _subject); headers.Add( "content-type" , "text/html" ); System.Text. StringBuilder strMessage = new System.Text. StringBuilder (); strMessage.Append(_body); SPUtility .SendEmail(web, headers, strMessage.ToString());